Exiting from a Library Program

At any point in a program, you can stop using the program and start using the calculator's built-in functions. You do not need to press any special keys to exit the program. In some instances, however, you may want to return to the same program later or run another program.

When You Finish a Program

When you finish using a program, the last menu selections used by the program usually remain in the display. You can clear these selections by pressing the key sequence [ 2nd ] [ F:CLR ] or turn off the calculator. You can also replace the selections with another menu such as the menu generated by pressing [ NUM ] or [ CONV ].

When You Want to Return to a Program

When you leave a program temporarily to perform other calculations, you can easily return to the program at the same point from which you left it.
  • If the program's menu selections are still in the display, you can proceed with the program by pressing the applicable key on the menu.
  • If your calculations involved a function such as [ CONV ], which displays its own menu, you can return to the previous program menu by pressing the [ OLD ] key on the calculator.


If you leave a program and then run another program that redefines the function keys, you cannot use the [ OLD ] key to return to the previous program.

When You Want to Run Another Program

When you want to exit a program and run another one, use one of the methods given below.
  • If you want to exit a program and run another in the same "family", you can use the { ESC } key included on the program menus. Press { ESC } until the calculator displays the menu that lets you select the other program.
  • If you want to run another program that is not in the same family, press [ RUN ] { STA } to display the STATISTICS menu. Then select the new program.
