Congruence Calculations

The { CON } selection from the NUMBER THEORY menu lets you perform congruence calculations. Given a, b, and m, the program searches for all values of x such that ax is congruent to b for modulus m.

Performing Congruence Calculations

To perform a congruence calculation:
  1. Select { NUM } from the MATHEMATICS menu.
    The calculator displays the NUMBER THEORY menu.
  2. Select { CON } from the menu.
    The calculator displays:
  3. Enter the values of a, b, and m, pressing the applicable key after each value.
  4. Press { EOD } to continue with the program and perform the calculation.
    • If there is no solution, the message NO SOLUTION is displayed.
    • If there are solutions, the value of x for the first solution is displayed.
    D_Fmr4n0 for example.
  5. Press { NXT } repeatedly to display the remaining solutions for which x ≼ m.
    When all the solutions have been displayed, pressing { NXT } returns you to the CONGRUENCE menu.
