Example: The Complex Functions Program

The examples below demonstrate how to use the Complex Functions program. The first example shows what to do when a calculation operates on more than two complex numbers. The second example includes the entry and conversion of polar numbers.

Example 1

Calculate ( ( 1 / ( 3 - 4i ) ) - √( -5 + 6i ) ) × 2.6i




Select the program [ RUN ] { MTH } { PLX } D_UUaHOt
Enter -5+6i 5 [ +/- ] [ x~t ] 6 { Xi } D_jqebuP
Find √(-5+6i) { EOD } { PRL }
[ INV ] { X^2 }
Store the result as Y and enter 3-4i for X { X~Y } 3 [ x~t ]
4 [ +/- ] { Xi }
Find 1/(3-4i) { EOD } { ARI }
[ INV ] { / }
Use results in subtraction { EOD } { ARI } { - } D_wyU1i4
Enter 0 + 2.6i as Y so previous result remains 0 [ x~t ] 2.6 { Yi } D_7Qq1hu
Multiply numbers and display the real part { EOD } { ARI } { * } D_HcAetU
Display imaginary part [ x~t ] D_PMRiO9


The result is 6.164170507 + i( -2.769987006 ).

Example 2

Calculate sin( 100 30° ÷ 40 -90° ) and show the result in polar form.




Select the program [ RUN ] { MTH } { PLX } D_UUaHOt
Convert 40 -90° to radians 40 [ x~t ] 90 [ +/- ] [ CONV ] { ANG } { D-R } D_uq1emG
Convert to rectangular and store result as Y [ OLD ] { Xi } { P-R } { X~Y } D_QLDVQz
Convert 100 -30° to radians 100 [ x~t ] 30 [ CONV ] { ANG } { D-R } D_BEIycH
Convert to rectangular [ OLD ] { Xi } { P-R } D_YgVRA0
Divide { EOD } { ARI } { / } D_xZtM4F
Calculate the sine { EOD } { CIR } { sin } D_xgqNWh
Convert to polar and show magnitude [ INV ] { P-R } D_ngUKK5
Show angle (in radians) [ x~t ] D_PMu8tt
Convert to degrees [ CONV ] { ANG } [ INV ] { D-R } D_bBZg0M
