
The cursor responds to touches by hiding the numeric display (if visible) when touched, and it can be easily moved to the left, or right.  

When the cursor reaches the left or right side of the display, the slide and rules automatically lock together and move in unison in the opposite direction (for example, if the cursor is at the right side of the display, the top and bottom rules, and slider will move to the left, bringing more of the right side of the slide rule into visibility).   The longer the cursor is held to the side of the display by touch, the faster the rules will move. As the index being moved toward approaches, the movement of the rules will slow down automatically, stopping when an index point is reached on either the top/bottom rule, or the slider.

When you release the cursor, the rules and slide will automatically stop moving. If enabled, numeric values will display on the cursor after a brief pause, for those scales that support that feature, and if a value can be computed.

Swiping up or down on the cursor with one finger will change the color scheme of the rule while the application remains active.  The color scheme reverts to the default when the application is launched.   This feature is not present if the ES (eye-strain reduction feature) selection is active.  In that configuration, the black cursor with 560nm-tinged cursor "glass" is selected and the up/down swipe color change feature is disabled.

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