Picking Color
Various color schemes may be selected, along with some options, to
customize how the slide rule appears on your device. The Color
Scheme allows selection of a specific color group to be used to
color the slide rule labels, description panel, cursor border and
glass tint, and optionally, the background color hint for the rules
themselves (the White Sliderule button selects whether a white slide
rule background color is used, or if the selected color is used as a
tint to color the rules slightly).
The Color Scheme menu allows selection of one of several colors that
are supported for the label, and description panel, as well as the
cursor itself.
Selecting the Color Scheme is done from the Settings dialog.
The Color Scheme will bring up a list of colors that represent color
themes used for cursors, and the general overall appearance within
the application.
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Performance Designs, All Rights Reserved.