If Using a Constant Memory Cartridge

Read the information on this page is you are using a Constant Memory cartridge and you have not set the partition for the file space to zero.

Using the Menu with a Cartridge

If you are using a Constant Memory cartridge, and you have partitioned file space, when you press { GET }, { PUT }, { DF }, or { CAT }, an additional menu lets you specify which directory you want to use.

For example, when you press { PUT }, the calculator displays

{ MEM } - Selects the file space.
{ NEW } - Selects the Constant Memory cartridge. ( The name NEW is automatically assigned to a new cartridge, but can be changed, as shown below, or via the cartridge actions dialog in the cartridge subview. )

Renaming the Cartridge

The { NAM } selection of the FILE STORAGE menu lets you rename a cartridge by assigning a three-character name of your choice.

To rename a cartridge:
  1. Press { --> } { NAM } from the FILE STORAGE menu.
    The calculator displays:
    D_2r8yTv(where "NEW" is the current name of the cartridge)
  2. Enter a three character name you want the cartridge to have and press { ENT } (or press { ESC } to cancel the operation.) To correct a mistake while entering the name, you must press [ CLEAR ].

The calculator renames the cartridge and displays the message DIR RENAMED.

You can also use the cartridge actions dialog in the cartridge subview of the main calculator view within the RPD-95 application to directly change the name of the cartridge, and create additional Constant Memory cartridges for use.
