RPD-95 Help Pages
This page provides a direct access link to all the pages of documentation.
- User Guide
- Function Reference
- General Functions
- Math Functions
- Trigonometric Functions
- Hyperbolic Functions
- Number Functions
- Statistics Functions
- Display Formats
- Conversion Functions
- Memory Functions
- Printer Operations
- Getting Started
- Turning the Calculator ON
- The Display
- The Keyboard
- Using System Menus
- Using the Help Function
- Displayed Value versus Internal Storage
- Math Operations
- Location of the Math Keys
- AOS™ Algebraic Operating System
- Using Parentheses to Override AOS
- Entering Data
- Clearing the Calculator
- Correcting Entry Errors
- Selecting The Format of Displayed Values
- Entering Numbers in Scientific Notation
- Arithmetic Operations
- Reciprocals, Squares and Square Roots
- Universal Powers and Roots
- Trigonometric Operations
- Hyperbolic Operations
- Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
- Logarithms
- Numeric Functions
- Integer Portion, Fractional Portion, and Rounding
- Prime Factors
- Common Multiples and Divisors
- Absolute and Signum Functions
- Random Numbers
- Extended Functions
- Quadratic Equations
- Cubic Equations
- Statistics Operations
- Location of the Statistics Keys
- The Statistics Keys
- Starting a New Statstics Problem
- Entering and Removing 1-Var Data
- Performing 1-Var Stat Calculations
- Example of 1-Var Statistics
- Entering and Removing 2-Var Data
- Performing 2-Var Stat Calculations
- Example of 2-Var Statistics
- Linear Regression
- Trend-Line Analysis
- Conversions
- Location of the Conversion Keys
- Using the [ CONV ] Key
- Metric Conversions
- Degree Format Conversions
- Angle Conversions
- Polar/Rectangular Conversions
- Base Conversions
- Memory Operations
- Location of the Memory Keys
- Introduction
- Clearing Data Registers
- Storing and Recalling Data
- Addressing Methods
- The t-Register
- Memory Arithmetic
- Incrementing and Decrementing a Register
- Exchanging Values
- Listing
- Using Optional Printer
- Location of the Printer Keys
- Printer Menus
- Printer Device Numbers
- Setting the Printer Format
- General Printer Operation
- Printing Lists
- Appendix A - Reference Info
- Programming Guide
- Introduction
- Function Reference
- General Functions
- Program Editing Functions
- Alpha Functions
- Listing Functions
- Transfer Functions
- Test Functions
- Flag Functions
- File Functions
- Input-Output Functions
- System Functions
- Working with Programs
- Programming Keys Used
- Introduction
- Entering a Program
- Running a Program
- Listing a Program
- Editing a Program
- Reference Section
- Calculator Functions in a Program
- Introduction
- Using System-Menu Functions
- Keyboard Commands versus Program Instructions
- Making a Program Wait for Numeric Input
- Pausing a Program to Display Results
- Reference Section
- Displaying Messages
- Introduction
- The Alpha Menu
- Creating an Alpha Message
- Storing and Recalling Alpha Messages
- Editing an Alpha Message
- Merging Numbers with a Displayed Message
- Using Alpha Messages in a Program
- Reference Section
- Controlling the Sequence
- Introduction
- Before Proceeding
- Using Program Labels
- Using Go To Label
- Using Go To
- Using Subroutines in a Program
- Programming the Function Keys
- Creating a Function Key Menu
- Restoring a User-Defined Menu
- Clearing Function Key Definitions
- Listing Program Labels
- Speeding Up Program Execution
- Reference Section
- Using Tests in a Program
- Introduction
- Comparison Tests
- DSZ Tests
- YES/NO Test
- Flags
- Ways to Use Tests with Transfer Instructions
- Using a Test to Exit a Loop
- Reference Section
- Using Indirect Addressing
- Introduction
- Indirect Data Register Operations
- Indirect Transfer of Program Control
- Other Indirect Operations
- Reference Section
- Partitioning Memory
- Introduction
- Why Change Memory Partitions?
- Effects of Partitioning
- Determining the Current Partition
- Partitioning From The Keyboard
- Partitioning from Within a Program
- Reference Section
- File Operations
- Introduction
- Using the FILE STORAGE Menu
- If Using A Constant Memory Cartridge
- Saving a Program As a File
- Running a Program File
- Loading a Program File
- Saving Data As A File
- Loading a Data File
- Listing the Catalog of a Directory
- Deleting Files
- Performing File Operations in a Program
- Reference Section
- External File Storage
- Introduction
- Using the iPad STORAGE Menu
- Writing a File
- Reading or Verifying External Files
- Performing File Storage Operations in a Program
- Reference Section
- Developing Your Own Programs
- Appendix A - Advanced Memory
- Introduction
- Changing the System Protection Mode
- Storing or Recalling a Single Byte
- Using the Unformatted Mode
- Internal Representation of Numeric Values
- Accessing Assembly-Language Subroutines
- Appendix B - Advanced I/O Operations
- Introduction
- The Parameters in a PAB
- Command Codes
- The Open Command
- The Read and Write Commands
- I/O Error Codes
- Performing an I/O Operation from a Program
- Example: Using CIO to Control a Peripheral
- Reading Keystrokes from a Program
- Appendix C - Reference Information