Using the FILE STORAGE Menu

The [ FILES ] key presents a menu to let you perform various types of file operations, such as saving, loading and deleting files.


When you press [ FILES ], the following menu is displayed. You use this menu whether working with file space or a Constant Memory cartridge.

{ GET } - Loads a file you have saved back into program memory or data registers.
{ PUT } - Saves a program file or a data file.
{ DF } - Deletes a specified file from the selected directory.
{ CAT } - Displays a catalog of file names in the selected directory.
{ --> } - Displays additional selections ( shown below ).

{ CD } - Clears all files in a specified directory.
{ NAM } - Lets you assign a name to a Constant Memory cartridge
You can also do this from the cartridge subview by swiping "up" in the view to bring up the cartridge actions dialog.)
{ --> } - Displays previous selections ( shown above ).
