To forfeit or not to forfeit... that is the question

9-Ball this week was fun; we lost the match, but we had fun. Excellent opponents to play against, and generally a great time. Laugh

8-Ball is the story of the week though. With the way the league is set up, the schedule for matches fluctuates and changes rather fluidly the first few weeks of the session. This session was not different than in the past in this respect. We had traveled to a new club for our week 2 match, only to have there be no opponent present. This week, with a re-shuffled schedule, I traveled there to see if the other team would be there or not. Turns out, the answer was "not", so I called the remainder of my team and let them know the news. After some time sitting there at the bar talking with a number of very nice and friendly folks, I headed back to my "home" club, Drinks, and spent the evening with some friends there, watching them play their darts match in the DDA (Dallas Darts Association) league.

The pool match? Wrote it up as another forfeit; which makes 2 now, against the same "team", in 5 weeks of play... we're off to a slow start this session for sure.